Edmonton Employee Health and Dental Benefits


5 Reasons to go for a Massage

5 reasons to go for a massage

If you're looking for a reason to go for a massage, look no further! 

Massage therapy has incredible health benefits, including promoting relaxation of the body and the mind. If you work a stressful job, experience chronic pain or headaches, or just need to relax, massage therapy might just be the answer for you! 

Massage can help to relieve stress by lowering your heart rate and decreasing your blood pressure. If your daily responsibilities are causing you a great deal of stress, try a massage to help you relax! 

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 40 million adults struggle with anxiety disorders. If you're one of them, 60 minutes of massage therapy might help to reduce the anxiety you're feeling, leading to a better quality of life! 

Tension headaches are the most common form of headaches in adults. They are caused by stress and emotional conflicts and they cause your neck muscles, face muscles, scalp and jaw to tighten, causing tension leading to headaches. 

As mentioned above, leading a stressful life can cause high blood pressure. Visiting a massage therapist regularly can help to lower your blood pressure, increasing your overall health and well-being. 

Last but not least, the most convincing reason to visit a massage therapist is to relax. Taking an hour for yourself on a regular basis can help you to deal with life's stressors more effectively and can lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle. Don't be afraid to take the time for self-care! 

The best part about massage -- it's usually covered under your group insurance plan! If you're not sure if you have coverage, or if you're wondering how to make a claim, give us a call and we will help you work through it!